Generally, I can think back to my
adolescence and recall with relative clarity what it is I felt about most of the movies I saw at the time. What's perplexing is how often I fail to be blessed with the same level of recall when it comes to movies I've seen during my adult years. I was 21 when The Amityville Horror
came out (not exactly yesterday, we're talking 39 years ago, folks), but thinking back on it, I can’t
seem to remember exactly what I thought of then. I mean, did I find it even
remotely scary? Did I buy into any of that “Based on a True Story” hype? Did I find
it then, as I do now, to be an entertaining parade of haunted house clichés and
hoary horror film tropes?
Worse, is there something metaphysically suspicious about my
inability to remember? Hmmm….
James Brolin as George Lutz |
Margot Kidder as Kathleen Lutz |
Rod Steiger as Father Delaney |
Don Stroud as Father Bolen |
I have only the haziest memory of The Amityville Horror as the bestselling 1977 novel heavily promoted as being a fictionalization
of the purported-to-be real-life story of a family beset by a series of paranormal
events in their Long Island home which was at one time the site of a bloody mass murder. I had
no interest in the book, nor do I even recall having paid much attention to news
stories about the real-life DeFeo Murders which gave that distinctive-looking
house its horror reputation. (On November 13, 1974, 23-year-old Ronald DeFeo,
Jr. killed his parents and four three siblings in the home they shared in
Amityville, Long Island).
What I do remember is that the film version of The Amityville Horror opened in the
summer of 1979: two months after Ridley Scott’s mind-blowing Alien; one month after the hotly
anticipated (by me), but wholly disappointing John Frankenheimer monster movie Prophecy; and two weeks after the bloodless
Dracula re-up with Frank Langella.
My rapturous fondness for Alien—a film that reminded me of how much fun it is to be scared at the movies—had put me into a horror film frame of mind that summer. Unfortunately, the diminishing scare returns proffered by the above-listed roster films left me looking forward to the opening of The Amityville Horror with an enthusiasm
drastically disproportionate to my actual interest in the movie.
The Amityville house lays out the unwelcome mat for Kathy's Aunt Helena (Irene Dailey) |
Propelled by a hope for a replay of the kind of jump-out-of-my-seat thrills Alien served up so plentifully, plus a desire to see what actress Margot Kidder had chosen for her follow-up vehicle to her star-making turn as Lois Lane in the blockbuster Christmas 1978 release Superman: The Movie (still playing in second-run theaters at the time); I stood in a long line on Hollywood Blvd on Friday, July 27th, to catch The Amityville Horror on opening night. The house was packed, and the theater was abuzz with the kind of amped-up excitement only an R-rating, “Based on a True Story”-hype, and saturation marketing can produce (“For God’s Sake, Get Out!” screamed posters from billboards and bus shelters all over town).
This House Pays For Itself Kathy's brother (Marc Vahanian) preps for his wedding as the house preps for a little self-help |
Although The Amityville Horror was a more polished and technically tricked-out film than I’d come to expect from the traditionally low-rent American International Pictures, for all its sound and fury (a disproportionate amount both coming from the grievously miscalculated performances of Rod Steiger and Helen Shaver) I grew aware of the fact that The Amityville Horror was in no danger of posing any threat to the legacies of The Exorcist or The Omen. The audience I was with seemed to enjoy the film’s low-wattage fright delivery system (regular as clockwork...3:15am to be exact) and didn't seem to mind that the film was serving up equal doses of laughs and frights. I was disappointed, but I was also entertained. I just wish I could remember if any aspects of the film actually scared me. What I do recall is that I returned to see The Amityville Horror the following week with a friend, and his conclusion was that the film was more of a “fun” scary movie (escapist and diverting) than a legitimately frightening one.
In chronicling the strange occurrences
that befall cash-strapped newlyweds George and Kathy Lutz (Brolin & Kidder)
and their three kids (Kathy’s from a previous marriage) when they move into the
spacious, obscenely affordable house--that just so happens to have been the site of a brutal mass killing the year before, The Amityville Horror goes for the semi-documentary approach. Events are charted with title cards highlighting dates and
times, a device serving both to chronicle the escalating "hauntings" and to further suggest what you're watching has been documented as fact. By doing so, The Amityville Horror is able to dispense with a lot of time otherwise devoted to establishing character and plot and can simply dive headlong into the horrors its title promises.
Wasting no time, the film opens with graphic depictions of
the shotgun murders of the DeFeo family (although they're never named in the film), following
this up whenever possible with close-ups of characters “feeling uneasy” in the
presence of odd camera angles and an intrusive musical score. The house, distinctive, camera-ready, and treated to a great many jack-o-lantern closeups, is filmed from so many flattering angles that it becomes the Barbra Streisand of haunted houses: always at the dead-center of the action.
Since the Lutz family only lived in the house for a month, it’s
imperative that weird things start to happen to them right off the bat. Events
unfold at such breakneck speed that only after the film has ended does it dawn
that those nondescript Lutz kids never attend school and that George’s surveyor
business suffers financial setbacks curiously disproportionate to how brief is his period of neglect.
While George obsessively continues to chop logs for the fire, Kathy laments the sudden wood shortage in their bedroom ...if you get my cruder meaning. |
Because a haunted house/possession story is nothing without religious subtext, our Kathy is Catholic. Or, more precisely, Hollywood Catholic. This means she doesn’t actually go to church or display any discernible traits of spiritual devoutness, but she does paint Virgin Mary figurines, hang ginormous crucifixes all over the house, has an actual nun in her immediate family, and is given to grocery shopping in a fetish-y Catholic School Girl uniform.
Kathy’s Catholic background occasions her inviting priest
and friend Father Delaney (Steiger) to come and bless the house. A bad idea for
the puffy priest but a bonanza for lovers of uncured ham and unbridled
scenery-chewing. The somber seriousness accorded Rod Steiger’s appearance is ostensibly meant to signal the graveness
of the Lutz’s situation and escalate the film’s drama, but the actor's emoting is so over-the-top it merely
opens a hell-gate of hilarity.
Fathers Delaney and Bowen, badly in need of a St. Christopher medal |
The horror gauntlet is thrown down via a series of mysterious-to-life-threatening events that place the Lutzes in a race against time, the forces of evil, and their own thick-headedness. And if the objectives of these forces are conveyed in the vaguest terms possible (Revenge? Demonic possession? The endless reenactment of a violent past?), rest assured that the scope and severity of these paranormal assaults (Gates of hell? Native-American burial ground? Devil-worship? Bad juju?) are mind-bogglingly elastic, inconsistent, and convenient to plot contrivance.
In the end, the scariest thing about The Amityville Horror is that this family of five occupying a
three-story colonial doesn’t seem to own a television set. The rest is a comfortably
conventional, enjoyably cheesy, surprisingly by-the-numbers haunted house tale with
its fair share of jump-cut shocks (hissing cats, loud noises, the old “I wake up screaming”
trope, flashes of gore); a few genuine creep-outs (the shotgun murders, the locked closet door, that weird little girl who looks like Robert Blake in a wig); and more
than a few unintentional laughs (Brolin’s eye-popping mood swings, the cut-rate
haunting special effects, the cartoonish reactions of visitors to the house).
While Kathy & George stare aghast at the front door that's been mysteriously blown off its hinges, viewers get to stare at James Brolin's cobblers |
I have a hunch that my infatuation with Margot Kidder and my initial ignorance of the story behind The Amityville Horror made that 1979 opening night screening enjoyable. However, I’m just as certain that subsequent viewings of the film have been rooted in how enjoyableably routine it is. That’s certainly the case today. When I look at the film now, it plays like an end-of-the-decade “best of” medley of all the supernatural horror films of the 1970s.
You could make a drinking game out of the clichés.
The malevolent demon, the ineffectual cop, the invisible friend:
The Exorcist
The too-inexpensive-to-be-true, parasitic house: Burnt Offerings
Religious mumbo-jumbo: The Omen
House built over the gates of hell: The Sentinel
Serial killer possession: The Possession of Joel Delaney
Going back for the pet: Alien
And for good measure, you have a movie with an axe-wielding dad that predates The Shining by one year,
plus a hyperactive house built above a burial ground that predates Poltergeist by two.
Creepy Amy (Natasha Ryan) consults with Jody, her invisible friend |
The overall effect is of The Amityville Horror being something of a goulash horror creation. Everything but the kitchen sink (or bile-spilling toilet) seems to have been thrown into this mechanical mix of sure-fire horror standbys. Nothing wrong with that, but the film is so overcrowded with disparate ideas that it ends up with a ton of loose threads and setups introduced that fail to pay off. Happily, the whole undertaking manages to be repetitious without ever really being boring, so the film ends up as being inoffensively watchable as one of those Creature Features horror programmers aired on TV when I was a kid.
No matter the relative quality of the end results, no one
associated with The Amityville Horror can
be accused of phoning in their performance. A fact that proves to be both a blessing and a curse.
Screenwriter Sandor Stern and director Stuart Rosenberg both
come from television, which may account for every dramatic scene seeming to be structured
to end in a fade-out and commercial break. As though to compensate for the halting, stop-start pace, the entire cast performs at near-operatic pitch.
![]() |
Mr. Groovy Guy Full beards and big, poufy hair were all the rage in the '70s. Here's Brolin with his gay porn doppelganger George Payne |
Although easy on the eyes, I can’t say James Brolin (he’ll
always be Mr. Barbra Streisand to me) had ever made much of an impression on me during his days as "the young guy" on TV's Marcus Welby, M.D. Here, however, as the possessed George Lutz, Brolin has so many scenes where he gets to bellow, shout, and bug
his eyes out, he quickly became my favorite character in the film. He's so consistently bitchy and surly, it's like watching a hirsute Joan Crawford.
Margot Kidder, something of an early scream queen,n what with her
roles in Sisters, Black Christmas, and The Reincarnation of Peter Proud, is the
film’s bright spot. Unfortunately, she's saddled with a role that has her doing what bad
writers always have women do in horror movies: screaming and going around
asking everybody if they’re OK. I love watching he,r though, and she remains a natural
and charismatic presence even in the film’s most absurd moments.
Rod Steiger, praying for an Oscar nomination |
As the concerned priest who becomes the target of the malevolent forces
inhabiting the house, Steiger invests every moment onscreen with such ferocious
overacting that I seriously thought in one scene his head was going to explode like
that fellow in Scanners. Perhaps Steiger should be given credit for taking risks and being committed to the role, but it simply feels far too strenuous and undisciplined. His priest is off the rails before we get a chance to know anything about him.
The Amityville Horror is guilty of not being very scary, which is a bit of a crime given that “horror”
is part of the title. But, as someone once said about life (and it goes double for motion pictures): “The one unforgivable sin
is to be boring.” I could call this movie a lot of things, but boring isn't one of them; for what The Amityville
Horror skimps on in thrills, logic, and coherence, it more than makes up for
in unintentional laughs.
In 1979, when The Amityville Horror had its best chance of being
taken seriously, public appetites were still so hungry for the next The Exorcist that the film became one of the highest grossers of the year. But that didn’t stop the opening
night audience I saw it with from still appreciating the occasional laugh at
the film’s expense.
Nauseous, sweating profusely, covered in flies, and witness to a door opening all by itself, Father Delaney has second thoughts about priests making house calls |
Over the years, The Amityville Horror has spawned something like 15 Amityville-related sequels, remakes, and spinoffs. I don't know if this qualifies the original as some kind of minor classic or a mere franchise fluke, but for whatever reasons, The Amityville Horror (even with its always dubious claims to reality since debunked) has proved to be a movie that endures.