The-Out-of-Towners is Neil Simon’s second original screenplay but
first solo original screenplay credit (1966’s poorly-received After the Fox
being a reluctant collaboration with longtime Vittorio De Sica screenwriter,
Cesare Zavattini). As the much-anticipated follow-up to The Odd Couple—1968’s 4th highest-grossing film—The-Out-of-Towners was something
of a critical and boxoffice disappointment. In 1970 it disappeared from theaters so
quickly I entirely missed its theatrical run. For the longest time, the only
version I was familiar with was an edited-for-TV broadcast copy which suffered from the excising of the film’s marvelously ironic coup
de gras (aerial hijacking was at its height during the '70s, and therefore no laughing matter), and deprived us of the last of Sandy Dennis’ near-iconic wails of "Ohhhh, my God!”
Jack Lemmon as George Kellerman |
Sandy Dennis as Gwen Kellerman |
The plot is pretty basic, an ideal setup for any number of fish-out-of-water comedy scenarios. On the occasion of his promotion to Vice President in charge
of sales for the New York division of Drexel: maker of fine plastic precision
instruments; Twin Oaks, Ohio resident George Kellerman (Lemmon) and wife Gwen
(Dennis) embark on what is intended to be a fun-filled, 24-hour excursion to the
Big Apple. Part job interview (“It’s just a formality.”), part second
honeymoon, it’s an opportunity for the happy couple to enjoy a First-Class, all-expenses-paid
sampling of the best that Fun City has to offer before uprooting and moving the
entire Kellerman clan (two children and dog) from the drowsy suburbs of Ohio to
The City That Never Sleeps.
Armed with an itemized
itinerary (mapped out over the course of nine lunch hours), buoyed by high
hopes, and fortified with two bottles of ulcer medicine in a brown suitcase; what
could possibly go wrong?
In a word,
Once the
Kellerman’s leave behind the blue skies and green lawns of Ohio, it’s as if
they’ve fallen through the looking glass. Any and everything terrible that can
befall and beset a visitor to a big city happens to our hapless couple. And
therein lies the simple perfection of Neil Simon’s approach to the comedy in The-Out-of-Towners.
It has nothing moving to say about learning to let go of the ones we love (The
Goodbye Girl), no life-affirming lessons about second chances (Chapter
Two), no laughter-through-tears ruminations on the importance of familial reconciliation
(I Ought to Be in Pictures); The-Out-of-Towners is just a laugh-out-loud dark comedy
built around your standard, run-of-the-mill, suburban middle-class urban-panic
The-Out-of-Towners is an original screenplay by Neil Simon based on Visitor from Toledo, a discarded
act from his 1968 play Plaza Suite. Always an autobiographical
writer, the catalog of catastrophes meted out to George and Gwen Kellerman during
their visit to New York is said to have been inspired by a particularly
disaster-prone trip Simon took to Boston in 1967 to doctor the flagging David
Merrick musical, How Now, Dow Jones.
And while The-Out-of-Towners
condenses a lifetime’s worth of travel horror stories into one nightmarish
24-hour NYC excursion, everything that happens is rooted in a recognizable reality and culled from urban nightmares told around a campfire.
This core of verisimilitude is the chief reason why the 1970 film remains consistently
funny after more than forty years while the painfully contrived 1999 Steve
Martin/Goldie Hawn remake is as forgettable as it is superfluous.
Directed by Arthur
Hiller (Love Story, Plaza Suite, The-In-Laws) the structure of Simon’s The-Out-of-Towners is essentially that of a three-character
comedy. The three characters being: The Couple, The City, and The Camera.
As the couple, Jack
Lemmon and Sandy Dennis—cast
as Mr. & Mrs. Middle-Class Everyman—get the biggest laughs from playing it entirely straight. The comedy
stakes are raised by watching how this loving but dissimilar pair react when
the comfortable rhythms of a 14-year marriage (he clearly “handles” things
while she meekly defers, even when she knows better) are put to the test by the
unexpected. And the unexpected is clearly something control-freak George
doesn’t handle too well (remember, he works for a company that makes precision
instruments). As the direness of their circumstances increases, their
heretofore polite exchanges begin to take on a decidedly acerbic tone.
The urban jungle brings out the tiger in mild-mannered Gwen |
The city of New York is the story’s neutral antagonist. And
as a window into the John Lindsay era of blighted, cash-strapped NYC, a vivid
antagonist it is. Neither villain nor enemy, its fogged-in airports, muggings,
garbage strikes, missed trains, torrential rains, and overcrowded hotels are all neutral urban maladies meted out with indifference. It’s only George (in his privileged
petulance) who sees every setback as a willfully directed obstacle to his goals
and a personal affront to his status as an out-of-towner. Forever tilting at
urban windmills, George’s consistently defensive reactions to the most
innocuous of complications is one of the film’s most amusing running gags. He behaves
as if everything is happening to him alone. An entire plane of passengers is
inconvenienced by bad weather, yet he’s the only one who sees alerting the stewardess
to his dinner reservations as an effective facilitator of results. (Gen-Xers seeing this film for the first time are sure to be gladdened upon
learning that having an unreasonable sense of entitlement didn’t originate with
Lastly, cinematographer Andrew Laszlo (The Owl & the Pussycat, Streets of Fire) turns his remarkably versatile camera into The-Out-of-Towners’ third character. As noted by entertainment writer Joe Meyers, Laszlo’s location camerawork (a great deal of which is hand-held) gives the film a gritty, almost documentary feel that adds immeasurably to its nervous effectiveness. By turns jarring and hysterical, panoramic and claustrophobic, sometimes even witty (as when we are given a dog’s-eye-view of a box of Cracker Jack); in even the most confining locations, Laszlo’s camera seems to be everywhere at once, an active participant in the proceedings and an invaluable contributor giving The-Out-of-Towners the distinction of being the single most cinematic of Neil Simon’s films.
Andrew Laszlo's versatile camera gives us a suitcase's POV of an airport |
In her 2006 memoir How
I Lost 10 Pounds in 53 Years, actress Kaye Ballard, who appeared with Sandy
Dennis in a 1988 production of Neil Simon’s female version of The Odd Couple, states that Dennis
confided to her that she and Simon didn’t
get along because The-Out-of-Towners’ funniest running gag—Gwen's infinite variations on the whining
exclamation: “Ohhhh, my God!”—was
her own ad-lib. It seems he never forgave her for being the one responsible for the
film’s biggest laugh.
Whether the story is apocryphal or not (what reason would Ballard have to lie?), there’s no denying that Sandy Dennis
brings a wealth of comedic ingenuity to a part that must have looked like
absolutely nothing on the page. Dennis redeems the rote role of the
long-suffering wife through the force of her individuality. The very mannerisms
and quirks that contributed to the public’s swift disenchantment with the
actress, who just three years earlier
had been hailed as a star of tomorrow, transform the otherwise colorless character
of Gwen into a distinct personality and surprisingly feisty comic foil for Jack Lemmon’s hyperreactive
Coming on the heels of two barely-seen independent films (That Cold Day in the Park and Thank You All Very Much), The-Out-of-Towners looked very much like a mainstream comeback for the Academy Award-winning actress, but in truth, it was more a return to supporting roles after a brief tenure as a leading lady. Still, after two such serious films in which she played soft-spoken characters, it was nice to see Dennis in funny mode. Makes you wish she’d made more comedies.
New York, New York: Gwen finds her vagabond shoes aren't up to the task |
Coming on the heels of two barely-seen independent films (That Cold Day in the Park and Thank You All Very Much), The-Out-of-Towners looked very much like a mainstream comeback for the Academy Award-winning actress, but in truth, it was more a return to supporting roles after a brief tenure as a leading lady. Still, after two such serious films in which she played soft-spoken characters, it was nice to see Dennis in funny mode. Makes you wish she’d made more comedies.
Although I like him
a great deal, I’m not a huge fan of Jack Lemmon (Simon’s first and only choice
for the role), but he does have a knack for making disagreeable characters palatable
(ever see Under the Yum Yum Tree?), and as such, he makes an ideal George
Kellerman. In fact, Lemmon is so good here that his work in The-Out-of-Towners
ranks as one of my top fave Jack Lemmon performances. A vibrating bundle of counterproductive
outrage and irrational ire, Lemmon is the manic comic engine that makes the
entire film work.
I can't think of another actor capable of playing so many shades of pique |
A real treat for viewers of a certain age is The-Out-of-Towners' supporting cast of familiar faces.
Billy Dee Williams as Clifford Robinson / Boston Lost & Found |
Ann Prentiss (sister of Paula) as the 1st Stewardess |
Anne Meara as The Purse-Snatch Victim |
![]() |
Clockwise from top: Dolph Sweet, Johnny Brown, Ron Carey, Anthony Holland |
I think that The-Out-of-Towners
has aged better than most of Simon’s other works, but that’s not to say it’s
not old-fashioned. In fact, one of the main reasons I like it so much is
because it is so old-fashioned. Old-fashioned as in classic. In
structure it seems to follow an archetypal pattern: The setup is simple (George
needs to make that 9am meeting); the obstacles are clear (every person, place
and thing that represents New York is standing in his way); and the comedy arc
is timeless (George’s overreliance on order and efficiency is going to take a serious
beating). As comedy utterly devoid of pretense or allusions to significance,
it’s some of the funniest writing of Simon’s career.
If The-Out-of-Towners’ depiction of New York has the exaggeration of satire, the look of the film itself is pure documentary. Shot on location in and around Manhattan, Boston, and Long Island (standing in for Ohio), it’s a treat to see so many glimpses of late-'60s New York. And the nostalgia evoked by such sights as The Automat and the lobby of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel (with its placards advertising Peggy Lee appearing in The Empire Room) are offset by visions of a time when stewardesses wore go-go boots, women carried gloves, and train stations had cigarette machines and phone booths.
Bracing themselves against a rainstorm, Gwen and George walk past The Automat |
Posters for two concurrently running Neil Simon Broadway shows (Plaza Suite and Promises, Promises) grace a Boston train station |
Most comedy is often so much a product of its time that it’s
not unusual for a popular comedic film from the past to fall flat with audiences
today, and vice versa. I don’t really know what problem 1970 audiences had with
The-Out-of-Towners, but it’s
easy to imagine that perhaps the unrelenting dark tone of the humor took fans
of Neil Simon by surprise.
In the course of 24-hours, the Kellermans are subjected to (and
this is only a partial list): a rerouted flight, lost luggage, a missed
train, a broken shoe, a kidnapping, a mugging while asleep, a chipped tooth, a lost
wedding ring, being chased by a mounted policeman, an exploding gas main, and
getting caught in a diplomatic protest. Without benefit of a breather, some
might have found the film’s pacing exhausting.
Or maybe it was a
matter of oversaturation. The '70s were the start of “disillusionment cinema”
and dark comedies were all the rage. New York, then in a state of major
economic and social decline, was a popular target for serious drama (Peter Boyle's film, Joe) and
bleak satire. Jules Feiffer kicked off the trend in 1967 with his truly grim satire Little
Murders (made into a film in 1971). But the same year Neil Simon’s poison-pen to Manhattan hit the screen, New York came under fire in Diary of a Mad Housewife, The Owl and the Pussycat, Where’s Poppa?,
and The Landlord. The Out-of-Towners may have been a
victim of being just one New York satire too many.
But in today’s atmosphere of cringe-comedy and humiliation humor, The-Out-of-Towners feels surprisingly contemporary and in step with the times. Director Arthur Hiller and Neil Simon manage to depict a suitably threatening New York City without resorting to either racist casting or xenophobic humor; something almost unimaginable today. And unlike similar scenarios in which bad things befall well-intentioned protagonists and it feels somewhat cruel to laugh at sad-sack victims (Martin Scorsese’s After Hours comes to mind), The-Out-of-Towners consistently reveals the obstinate George Kellerman to be the architect of his own misfortune, granting us free rein to laugh at and with the blowhard.
If you've never seen it, The-Out-of-Towners is a near-perfect example of frustration comedy. An unbroken chain of snappy comebacks, laughably familiar situations, and expertly set-up gags with unexpected payoffs. I'm in the camp that feels much of Neil Simon’s work has not aged very well, but The-Out-of-Towners is the exception and ranks high on my list of all-time favorite motion picture comedies—a list topped by What's Up, Doc?, Airplane, and Young Frankenstein.
The-Out-of-Towners always has an answer for the question, "What more could possibly go wrong?" |
But in today’s atmosphere of cringe-comedy and humiliation humor, The-Out-of-Towners feels surprisingly contemporary and in step with the times. Director Arthur Hiller and Neil Simon manage to depict a suitably threatening New York City without resorting to either racist casting or xenophobic humor; something almost unimaginable today. And unlike similar scenarios in which bad things befall well-intentioned protagonists and it feels somewhat cruel to laugh at sad-sack victims (Martin Scorsese’s After Hours comes to mind), The-Out-of-Towners consistently reveals the obstinate George Kellerman to be the architect of his own misfortune, granting us free rein to laugh at and with the blowhard.
If you've never seen it, The-Out-of-Towners is a near-perfect example of frustration comedy. An unbroken chain of snappy comebacks, laughably familiar situations, and expertly set-up gags with unexpected payoffs. I'm in the camp that feels much of Neil Simon’s work has not aged very well, but The-Out-of-Towners is the exception and ranks high on my list of all-time favorite motion picture comedies—a list topped by What's Up, Doc?, Airplane, and Young Frankenstein.